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I provide brave spaces + offer powerful tools to self healers so they can expand, grow + let go

I'm Jasmine Moore

I help others on their self healing journeys through ceremony + rituals with different healing modalities and tools. 


After following the path that my society, culture, and family said was best for me, I came to a place in my life where I wasn't all that happy as I looked around at the accomplishments and checked boxes.

Through my own journey of self discovery I realized that there was huge components missing from my life, my relationship to my energetic and emotional bodies and knowing how to maintain these parts of me.


By reclaiming, understanding and collecting tools for honoring your emotional and energetic bodies, you can unlock more joy and abundance in your life, just like I did.

Yes, you have these emotional and energetic bodies too, everyone does, and a big part of my mission is to give you permission to feel and to experience these parts and to understand they are safe even if you may not be able to fully explain or understand them.  Your emotions and any "low vibrational energies" you experience are showing you a doorway to your next plane of consciousness.


I can help you access a deeper place of purpose + power through energy work, sacred ceremony and group healing experiences. I am a space holder, a witness to your journey, guiding you and ensuring you are safe, while you explore all of you and integrate lost parts.

Everything you need to heal and be whole is within. Let me show you.

"Jasmine is a natural healer.  She's intuitive and curious and she gives herself and her gift so fully.  I consider energy healing essential to my ongoing physical, mental and spiritual wellness and I trust Jasmine like no other.  She's a very special human."

—  Victoria L.

Federal Government Employee

Healing Defined:

a continuous, lifelong process of unlearning conditions and programs based in fear that each one of us carries in our minds + returning to love and acceptance for all of yourself which includes your body's innate wisdom and ability to guide you. 

You are not broken and I will not fix you.

I went society's normal route and I was miserable.

I set myself up for a successful life but I felt so disconnected from it.

I checked all the boxes, why wasn't I happy?

I had no idea what I was capable of.

I thought science had all the answers until I healed myself

next group healing:

the bliss retreat
four day experience

APRIL 26 -29 (3 spots left)

AUGUST 23-27 (sold out)

SEPTEMBER 27 - 30 (6 spots left)

heart journeys




dark spaces
90 minute group healings

DEC 15 - OSHO dynamic meditation

DEC 22 - Holotropic breathwork

JAN 12 - Shadow work

JAN 26 - Non psychedelic plant medicine




Fill out the info below to be added to my email list that is sporadic and wonderful!  If you want to contact me directly, send me an email at

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